MAM anti colic bottles or Dr Brown

Hi, I'm wondering if MAM anti colic bottles are worth a try? I used Dr Brown for my no1 which was good for colic. Now pregnant with no 2.... heard about MAM bottles and how the teats are shaped more like nipples to encourage easy switch between breast and bottle... wondering if it's worth a try?? And where can I get MAM bottles??? I saw Lazada selling them cheap but not sure if they are authentic... Pupsik sells them for almost twice the price. Thanks.

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i didnt tried MAM cos my baby is using Dr Brown really well. really love Dr Brown for being such a wonderful bottle. but hate the washing part 😂

Hi, you can get MAM bottles at Mothercare. You may test it to see how your baby adapts to it.

7y trước

Yea thanks. I got the MAM bottle and Dr Brown latest edition bottle.. see which my baby will like.. haha