C sect

I'm at wk 39 and baby is 3.8kg..I have decided to go for c sect since dun wan to risk natural birth or induced labour which might ended up emergency C sect since baby is quite big now..is c sect scary? Hope my decision is right..after c sect cannot natural birth next time right?

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Hi! Just been thru csect last week! My baby was out in just within 5 mins! I breathed in laughing gas when they insert the spinal epidural (I opted for elective) because I'm super afraid of pain. (no pain at all when they did the epi! Thanks to the laughing gas!) Then everything became slow and I got high when they turn me over to start for the csect. Baby was out in just within 5 mins! You'll get really sleepy after the baby was out ~ I took a nap eventually as my Dr sew me up and the next moment, tadah! I'm on my way wheeled back to my ward ~ The only scary and painful part is the first walk after the surgery. I would say the pain would be burning, bruised pain combined? But before that you'll slowly learn to know the existence of the wound as you sit up from the bed for your first meal of the day I was eventually discharged just 10 hours after I got off from the bed and walked around the hospital 😂 once you can stand up straight, you can slowly take your first walk without any issue alr. Good luck!

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4y trước

Thanks babe 🙂 Oic mine is at Mount A haha