C sect

I'm at wk 39 and baby is 3.8kg..I have decided to go for c sect since dun wan to risk natural birth or induced labour which might ended up emergency C sect since baby is quite big now..is c sect scary? Hope my decision is right..after c sect cannot natural birth next time right?

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Super Mom

Hi mama! I respect your decision. I must also add that I hope you made an informed choice; I say this because you sound a little unsure :) try reading this article which might provide insight backed by lots of research: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/ With regards to once a c-sect always a c-sect, there are a large percentage of women who have opted for a VBAC and birthed their babies naturally - even when baby is tipping the scale at 4kg! Also, if I may share - my boy weighed a bouncy 4.019kg when delivered via vaginal birth without an epidural. I had a great midwife who helped me to cope with labour and coached me in positions to help bring baby down. Whatever your choice is mama, know that you’re strong and empowered. You were built to birth and as long as you believe in your body and the wonders of what it can do, you’ll have a positive birth. Congratulations in advance!

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