9 Replies
I wouldn’t say it’s abnormal, but better watch your food/calorie intake, my friend! My gynae said the most ideal weight gain is 10kg only 😅
How I wish I have such a good appetite as yours. I'm 9wks too and still no appetite and can never keep my food down. 😩
For me is pretty normal, as im still having morning sickness. Each time i vomit , after will be my meal time
Yes, I also get hungry easier when I was pregnant. I ate yogurt/digestive biscuits whenever I feel hungry.
Yes, it’s normal! The hunger I had was insane.. haha 😆 Took cereal, fruits in between meals
Yes I agree. The hunger was insane. Felt like I could have buffet and still not feeling full. Haha
Yes its nrmal. Just eat small portion but frequent eating.
It's normal 😂 I had the same issue
It's super normal. No worry