Feel hungry at week 7?

Hi I’m at week 7. I feel weird about my stomach. I have no food cravings. I can’t eat that much as I used to. But these few days I still feel hungry just awhile after I eat. I don’t know if it’s feel of hunger or something? I thought digestion would be slow during pregnancy? Any mummy experience the same? ☹️

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Me too! all my previous pregnancy didn't feel like this much. This time i got so strong MS and also easily hungry even though only at week 6. Cravings usually come later part, but I'm like looking forward for sweet drinks daily. The urge is very strong even i know it's not good. haha! it's ok, trust your body. Just eat small portion, spread the time. ❤️

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3y trước

Thank you Nur 🙂 at least I’m not alone 🥲