I'm terrified to cut my newborn's nails. Any tips?

I am using this Pigeon brand nail cutter for newborns. It is very easy to use and will not hurt baby's fingers as it has the safety rounded tip. I find this is easier to use compared to baby nail clipper. You can get it from kiddy palace or baby department store easily.

Just do it starts from when they are small. In times they will understands to behave while cutting nails (for my babies, not sure others). Good lighting and use ur spectacles if u need 1 since their nails are so small
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When you cut your new born baby nails you put them in your lap and face them away from you that was if they pull they don't get cut and you can see and hold they hand still better
Use a nail file to trim their nails. As newborn nails are soft, it is easier to file ther nails. Do remember to do it in a well lited area
Check on Amazon the electric nails trimmer for baby . It works good and not harm baby’s fingers . Been using this for my 2 months old ☺️

I usually file my babies nails when shes sleeping... if not when shes sleeping my husband does it while we feed
I think filing baby's nails with an emery board is the least difficult, safest way to do it, but it takes more time
Use the baby nail grinder instead. It's soft and gentle and will never cut your baby fingers
Cut when she is asleep If bleed then use hand sanitizer on the nails
Domestic diva of 1 sunny cub