coconut juice

Im still not yet 3month preg . Can i drink coconut juice ?

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Drink to keep hydrated. But don't go crazy with it. I focused on getting fresh YOUNG green coconuts chopped at hawker centres only. Helps with cell regeneration (learnt from cancer care group) and it doesn't have much meat or sweetness as compared to matured huge ones. Started early because I got so severely dehydrated until I was admitted to the hospital for the water drip.

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Thành viên VIP

No it’s too cooling. Can only drink from beginning of 3rd trimester onwards. Take fresh coconut water instead of canned one. It’s more effective :)

6y trước

Then u just drink abit if it makes u feel better. Otherwise u can take some brewed ginger water to alleviate the nauseous feeling.

I drank it cos of bad morning sickness. But entire first trimester I only consume 4 2 weeks interval.

Better wait till third trimester...But I guess a little is alright?

Thành viên VIP

From last trim. Really works! My baby came out very clean

Best to avoid? I only drank it from 36th week onwards!

Super Mom

Abit too early.. Can drink during 3rd trimester

Thành viên VIP

Try to avoid. Only drink at 3rd trimester

Can... But not everyday. Cuz it's liang

Thành viên VIP

Abit early. Wait till last trim