Hey all, I’m a stay at home mom, contemplating whether or not to send my 15m old son to join playgroup when he turns 2y next year. I’m not planning to go back working yet. And I’ll be getting my home keys this coming October/September. So basically budget plays a part. Should I wait and send my son to Nursery instead? Your advices and opinions are welcome.

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hi, I sent my son to PG, once he hit 18mths and I was still SAHM.. I received many divisive, unsolicited advice, even from my son's teachers, who personally chose not to send her son to PG cos she felt better to wait till he's 3.. the thing is we are us, they are them, what matters most is what we feel works for us, best for ourselves and our kids.. I chose to send my son for 2 simple reasons: he seemed like a highly sociable kid, always looking to play with other kids at the park. And I wanted some sanity after 1.5 years looking after him, with plans to return to work eventually once he stabilises in school.. He did, after a year of separation anxiety crying and I have been working almost a year now..

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