5 Replies

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Woo u are super young! Congrats on the early family path❤️ I have the same thoughts too about work life balance because theres no taking off the fulltime mother hat and running the household right. Looks like working part time is a good idea to get one foot back in the working industry while managing ur baby and home. There is a certain number of hours for part time work to qualify for the infantcare/childcare subsidy so do double check on that. Personally i dont like the idea of childcare but similar situation here whereby theres no-one close to take care and yes babysitting fees are exorbitant. Another option is the helper route but there will be privacy and extra costs chalked up which doesnt sound so good. Anyways there are alot of mothers out there with the same dilemma but its not easy even getting a wfh job or a part time job that doesnt pay peanuts. Dont even start on the *why dont u start a business* suggestion 🙄 Just go ahead and try the school option and see if ur baby and u are ready. There will be a six months period where full subsidy is applied when u are looking for the job too so make use of that well to settle urself n baby to the new routine while going for interviews. Good luck yo

you are still young, go for it. It takes time for IFC to enrol and also depends on vacancies available. you can start the process now. find a suitable IFC and enrol your child then go for the job. you will get used to the working routine again. Not to worry but if your body cannot take the work stress and baby, you can reconsider.

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