First Check Up
Hi, I’m pretty anxious to meet my gynae next week for my first check-up. It will be my 7th week pregnant. Can anyone share your first check-up experience? What kind of test will be done? Will there be a cervic check? Any pain? Share with me please, thank alot!

1st check up will be a dating scan. Meaning you will see your fetus for the 1st time and probably hear it's heartbeat too. 2nd, your LMP might not be accurate so don't be surprised if your pregnancy's age is less or later than 7th week as you said here. And your EDD will be based on your ultrasound. Then gynae will ask you to go for down syndrome test. This is really up to you if you wanna do it or not. Blood test will be done a bit later around 24 weeks above when you take your glucose test. No cervix check until the last stage of 3rd trimester. A bit uncomfortable, yes. Most importantly, do not forget to take your folic acid. Your gynae will change to maybe multivitamins or other supplements when you're almost reach your 2nd trimester.
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