
Im a newly wed bride.lately after having sex with my husband, i feel uncomfortable to pee and i felt something bad smelly like a mucus come out together.is it normal?

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sorry, but i think maybe that was some changes happened after having sex for the first time. maybe the mucus was semen. and sometimes for the first timer our vagina kinda have some 'luka'. idk abt anyone else but i got some experience after my first time and when i want to pee kinda having some pedih there and also usually in morning after sex some semen will come out if u havent wash or pee before sleep. but if that situation of u continue should consult a doc. mine was okay after 1-2 days after that and rest for some time from having sex ya.

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seek treatment with dr. if it is really urinary tract infection @ kencing kotor, may benefit with antibiotics.

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Usually it would be UTI. Mybe after sex ue didnt wash ur vagina well, so been affected.

it is better to have a check.. uncomfortable to pee n smelly problem is not normal..

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After having sex please wash your sensitive area. Easy to have infection

Better seek your doctor early. Before it become worst. Take care dear.

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Better you seek for a doctor..