Faking illness

Hi , im new here ! Im on my first trimester and my morning sickness is bad !! I am on mc but my company thought im faking my illness .. What should i do ?

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Super Mom

There’s only so much you can do. What they think is an opinion. They cannot override a doctor‘s decision.

Hi Mum, Please get your doctor to provide you a note about your morning sickness that you can share with your employer

Thành viên VIP

If any mommies in ur office no one think like tht .. every mom will experience and every mom knows how hard it’s

Thành viên VIP

Some time this is unavoidable. But some time if it’s serious, gynae gives hospitalisation leave? Will this help?

Hi, I think you should not worry since you are on MC. If it comes up later in discussion, then tell them straight

Let your company say what they want to as long as you have a valid proof. No worries about it so rest well! :)

Thành viên VIP

I understand how u feel .. Do they know u are pregnant ? Perhaps u can inform them so they will understand .

Super Mom

Talk to your manager about your situation. Are they aware about your pregnancy?

Thành viên VIP

If you can produce MC from doctors or clinics, there’s no issue

Im also in my 1st trimester and having bad nausenous n cramps…