I'm looking for a cheap stroller for my mum to bring the little one for downstairs walks or to run errands nearby the house. Any recommendation? Preferably light and easy to open and close. Where to find them?

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BP alex lightweight stroller! Preorder only $55 leh. First time i see brand new stroller so cheap. It’s lightweight, and can open and close with 1 hand. I like that you can move the handle to let baby face outside, or face you. It’s reclinable too, suitable for newborn onwards. https://welovesupermom.com/products/17-blue-bp-alex-lightweight-stroller-self-standing-reversible-handle-reclinable-to-175-deg-suitable-for-newborn-with-free-gifts

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actually for this stroller, it can stand on its own. but of course don’t expect it to be very sturdy on its own. if knocked into it, it will definitely fall as well. i think that’s the cons of all lightweight stroller