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Hello and good day to you. Congratulations on your pregnancy. For your information, every woman will have a different experience during their pregnancy. In most women, the symptoms of morning sickness can persist up to 5th month or 20 weeks of pregnancy. However some women have it shorter or longer. Therefore you don’t have to worry unless this symptom is affecting your daily life or your health is deteriorating due to this. Please consult a doctor if such thing happen so that medication or help can be provided. You can visit www.DoctorOnCall.com.my to get more information regarding health or to speak with our certified and registered doctors online. Thank you.

My doctor said it is normal to have sickness till 16th weeks of pregnancy, or even longer. In my case, things got better when I stopped taking spicy foods, chocolate and changed my pregnancy vitamin from New Obimin to Maltofer.

VIP Member

Normal sis, saya masa mengandung anak yg ke 4 dari mula preggy sampai dia nak dekat keluar. Keluar je baby baru berhenti mual dan muntah. Berat badan mmg turun sbb asyik muntah je. Doc pun tak tahu nak buat apa?

Normal... Saya pun sama... Dari awal mengandung sampai la minggu ke 17 masih muntah... Masih ada alahan... Dah tanya doktor... Doktor kata normal... Kadang3 ada sampai nak beranak masih ada alahan

cuba kerapkan bersama suami... boleh kurang atau elak daripada morning sickness... pastikan rahim anda kuat... lebihkan minum air suam

Samalah kite. As for me the culprit is New Obimin tablet. About 30mins-1hour makan tablet tu muntah habis. The taste is really awful. 😖

You can try iberet instead..

Sy masuk 24w bru muntah2 siap masuk wad tmbh air bagai. Masa mula2 x alahan lgsung. Pelik. Mudahan bby sihat walafiat.amiin

normal.. maybe nak jadi mcm sy. 30w pun tak hilang lg loya n muntah. Waktu 22w hilang kejap, masuk 27w camtu datang balik.

Normal... Saya pun masih sama.... Dah tanya doktor... Dia kata normal... Kadang2 bawak sampai dekat due date masih muntah

VIP Member

Normal tu. Mak saya mengandungkan saya asyik morning sickness je sampai saya keluar. Kesian mak. Aishh saya ni la

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