I'm having my week 20 scan next week at KKH (subsidies pt) , i was wondering if husband are allowed to be in? With the current covid situation and hearing other mummies stories, the answers are half. Allowed and have to stay outside (?)
I even got a msg for the appointment that they say accompanying person is discourage from entering. But I'm hoping my husband would be able to enter as its his 2nd time seeing the baby.
Please tell me that your partner is allowed to go in 😭😭😭
Other then that,
What can i expect for the week 20 scan?
Should i fast on that day (since its the fasting month) but i heard that doc do ask you to drink some water / sweet drinks so that the baby will be active and cooperate.
Please share your experience so i won't be a lost duck during that day 😂
#pregnancy #1stimemom #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp