
Im having diarrhea n also like some menses cramps shld i go to the doc?

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Super Mom

Sometimes, diarrhoea can bring about these very painful cramps that feel like menses. I think if you’re able to drink enough water to hydrate yourself, then drinking water and resting is all you need to do. Perhaps see a doctor if the diarrhoea doesn’t resolve after a day or two? Avoid spicy and oily food, as well as dairy products for 2 weeks, because you lose good bacteria in your gut after having diarrhoea. You can try to take some probiotics if you like too. I know it’s really not fun, but think of the diarrhoea as getting of some toxins that’s causing this stomach upset... so try not to take anti-diarrhoea medicine unless it’s severe. Get well soon!

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I get these few times too but after i poop out it is okay. Best to see obgyn if you are worried or have blood stain or something

Thành viên VIP

Yes pls go and see not try to remedy yourself

Yes please go and visit the doc and have lots of water

Thành viên VIP

Yes please see doctor without delay.

Thành viên VIP

Yes. Try to drink lots of water

Thành viên VIP

Yes. Get well soon ❤

Thành viên VIP

yes, to be safe

Super Mom

Sure, please do

Thành viên VIP

Yes you should