Scared and nervous
im going to be a first time mummy / single mummy in about 7 months time, and im feeling very scared that im not going to be a good mother. Any advices? :(

Hello! I’m also a single mum. My lo is only 4 months old. I won’t sugar coat the truth and tell you how easy is everything. I cried everyday when I was pregnant. I couldn’t bond well with my lo because she looks like her dad. It takes time. Definitely. I had a lot of help from my family and friends. Slowly getting there. I’m still getting panic attacks from time to time but I force myself to be well for the sake of my lo. She have nobody to reply on except me. So I have to be the best for her. All the best mummy! ❤️❤️❤️ If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me.
Read moreHi Siti, I think you’ve already done the bravest thing by choosing to carry the baby to term even though your partner is not going to be around. That takes strength and courage. I believe the immense joy from seeing your baby face to face in a coupla weeks time is going to give you even more strength to face the days ahead. Your baby will treasure your sacrifice. Chin up and fight on!!
Read moreHey Siti, I’m a FTM to be too and I assure you that no mothers in the world are bad mothers. It’ll come naturally to you. So proud of how brave you are to be carrying the little one with you be it alone or with a partner, it takes a lot of courage and strength. Only mummies and mummies to be know this feeling we all battle sometimes. We’re here for you 🤍
Read moreIt's not easy but believe in yourself you can do it! Everything will be worth it seeing your baby. Do dwell on things that's the most important thing.
Maternal instincts comes naturally to most mothers so don't worry(: Very important to surround yourself with your close family members and friends...
It will come naturally. Don't ever push yourself too hard. You can do it. Good luck mummy!
I was scared too. But the fact that we are here to learn from eachbother shows we are good parents
Dont be too hard on yourself