11 Replies

Yes please bring the kotex overnight ones they are so helpful and easy to put on and rip off. The ones they gave u have to use disposable underwear (quite rough imo) and then the pad which is very troublesome. But I have seen some mummies say that it was a bit uncomfy to use the overnight underwear when they got c sect. Maybe can still use but have to lower down the band to avoid the incision part

I brought 1 piece to use during discharge day. During hospital stay, nurses will change for me so I just used what they provided. Kotex overnight panties is way comfortable compared to maternity pads, I used it after birth till I stopped bleeding. It is soft enough, so I think it will be suitable for Csect too. Just fold it down if you’re afraid that it’s gonna touch your wound.

The hospital ones aren't comfortable at all. I had Csect and bck then I dint know abt the kotex panties. This time rd I'll definitely gonna wear it even if im gg for another csect as it's so much comfortable Been wearing it during my travels too. So far I'm wearing 1 size bigger and it is well above my incision scar

yes it was MUCH better for me because the hospital disposable panties was super loose for me. i used it throughout my stay and even post discharge at home for the lochia.

kotex panties is really nice. hospital pad and disposable panties is very loose and uncomfortable. especially it leaks..... I'd seriously go for kotex panties again.

YESSSA I SWEAR BY IT hahahaha it was so helpful even after my 3 day stay at hospital. I used it for 2 weeks during the heavy bleeding.

Definitely the overnight panties are much comfy! Highly recommended! I did csect and it didn’t cause any discomfort to my wound


i used those maternity pads provided by tmc, then switched to the usual menstrual pads back home

not to worri so much. u can use for after czer too. The nurses will help u around with it.

What are the other options if their XL is just slightly too small for you?? 😩

Kotex biggest size is XL. might have to bring own disposable panties and pads if can't fit. or maybe can wear adult diapers temporarily. nothing to be ashamed about

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