5 Replies

Hi mummy! Bring along ur breast pump! Ur lactation lady will definitely ask for it in order for them to teach u and explained to you. And also they will teach u on latching as well! Hospital will provide nipple cream in their gift bag so i think no need to bring much! Just bring the necessity! ❤️

Would be useful to learn how to express by hand! To help get your colostrum out (can express into syringe and give to baby in case baby doesn’t latch well at first). Hand expression will also help your milk to come in (:

yes those are sufficient. although pls manage expectations that milk production may not kick in until 2-3 days pp. first few days may just be colostrum.

I would recommend bringing your electric breast pump so that the lactation consultant can help to teach you and it is really important


i tried to bm with nurses help in hosp

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