When should we start to see weight gain and start tracking?
I'm at the end of trim 1 but no weight gain yet cause couldnt eat with all the nausea.

I lost 3 kg in tri 1, didn't gain in tri 2 even tho my appetite came bck. But gained close to 12kg frm 3rd tri onwards! My gynae was even asking me to watch my diet as baby was big but I just cldnt help it 😅Didn't have GD but baby was 3.8kg at birth.
Dun need to mind so much about weight gain. Everybody is different. Your gynae will tell u if your weight is not on track.... i have frens who gained 20kg and frens who gained a mere 3-4 kg throughout the pregnancy
Dun worry too much and congrats! I am at wk 30 and hasnt put on weight 😅 and im eating normally...
I started weight gain in only in tri2. you will get better soon don't worry. congratulations again!
congrats. dont worry. my wife started gaining wait twds the end of 2nd trimester only.