Switching from private to public

I'm currently with my private gynae. We have been with him pre-pregnancy and he has been really great and professional all this time. But recently during the 16weeks scan, his clinic shared the antenatal and doctors fees, but due to financial constraints, we've decided not to continue on with the clinic, which is quite unfortunate. For those mummies who have had to switch gynae halfway, is this a common thing where you don't follow through with the same gynae till the end? Did you also get anything for your previous gynae before the change? FTM mom here and unsure of so many things! 😅

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most people switch from public to private. I switched from private to public like you due to expensive doctor fees and hospitalisation fees if we deliver there. switched to being a KKH public patient. my private gynae was good and I switched when pregnancy was stable and far along. My private gynae was good but i really cannot afford the high cost. expected that different doctors will attend to me when I am a public patient and sometimes I need to queue longer. in the end , delivery went well. I was still in good hands.

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