7 Replies

I gave birth just the same time frame as you 38 weeks 6 days. from what I read you are definitely in labour. just keep monitoring your contractions see if they are close apart. if yes Head to the hospital as soon as possible. I wouldn't suggest induced unless doc ask you too. Best to discuss it with your gynae. bleeding its definitely normal. I got it to during my labour day. it was spotting at first and after that it came out more.

Sounds like you’re in labour! The doctor should have advised when to check in. Induction of labour before due date must be advised by your gynae. If you start having cramps (even if it’s super light cramping), please go to the hospital asap..it means baby will be coming soon! You’ll feel the horrible cramps and then an urge to poop (not joking) when it’s time to push the baby. All the best mummy!

you prolly should seek your gynae or midwife's opinion. i am 39 weeks pregnant and no indication of labour at all. due date is 19th July but if there is no bleeding, painful contractions or waterbag breaks, my confirmed delivery will be on the 21st July .. depending on my dilation cm, i prolly get induced .. i would really suggest you talk to your gynae instead on your next step. all the best!

Hi.. my due date is the same as you however as I’ve no obvious signs of labour like bleeding my gynae suggested for me to be induced on my next appointment which is on 19 July… pls call the hospital if you are having more signs of labour! All the best

All the best to u too sis! Yesterday i just went my last appointment.. my gynae, had check my dilated now 1.05cm.. sign of bleeding still there, backache on and off as usual.. she told me to observe till EDD.. if still no contractions, on 22 july i have to do induced already

try to watch and follow some breathing exercises and labour exercise n position . . Google Bridget Taylor she got some free videos

go for it. let them know that you're bleeding non stop though doctor advice that it's only safe to induce at week 39.

Have sex!! Sperm helps dilate and soften the cervix xD

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