Hang on or quit?

I'm currently 28 weeks in, and it's getting tiring day by day to go to work. Feel unmotivated and exhausted all the time. I had threatened miscarriage a few times in my first and second trimester and was on HL. Workplace told me I can't keep taking MC and HL as and when I like. Sick and tired of putting on brave front to work. What should I do? #firsttimemom #advice #pregnant

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It's a job. Don't push yourself too hard, take it easy, baby comes first right? Take your HL/MC as required to rest. Docs give it to you for a reason. From MOM, your rights as an employee: " Your maternity protection as an employee If your employer terminates your employment without sufficient cause while you are pregnant, or retrenches you during your pregnancy, they must pay the maternity benefits you would have been eligible for. To qualify for this maternity protection, you must have: Worked for your employer for at least 3 months before receiving the notice of dismissal or retrenchment. Been certified pregnant by a medical practitioner before receiving the notice of dismissal or retrenchment." What's the worst that can happen at work, laid off? If you already feel like quitting, no difference right. Don't quit, if worst case, let them fire you and you can get compensation for it and a case against your employer. If you quit, your employer wins. Jiayou!

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if my health permits, I would hang in there till after maternity leave but still continue to take MC and HL when required. since these are issued by the doctors hence legitimate, the employer cannot (and should not) say or do anything. but if it's taking a toll on yourself, nothing matters more but yourself and baby. is your employer hinting you to quit or requesting you to have 'better planning' when taking such leave so that they can find a cover? could you convert to part time?

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it's your right to take the MC and HL as you are not abusing it also. Employer have no right to lay you off cause of this reason. you can lodge a complaint to MOM if they really did so. it's just a job, just take it easy and have the necessary rest you need to have which is more important.

I honestly would try to continue till i give birth then quit after maternity leave cause ill still be paid during maternity leave. And i would just take mc/hl if doctor give, they also cannot reject cause its your right

If your workplace said something like that, I’d say definitely quit! But the right time to quit is after maternity leave :) get the most you can out of this shtty employer first, just give bare minimum to tahan till then 🎉

Indeed, there are many people out there who are lacked of sympathy.

Influencer của TAP

the health of u & ur bb definitely comes 1st