Baby Movement

I'm currently 17+3weeks. Should I be worried that I haven't felt any baby Movement? My next appointment with my gynae is in another 2 weeks time.

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At that period, it was less movements for me as compared to much later. If there is no bleeding and some movement esp when you are resting, it’d be ok. Guess if you are concerned, you can go check with your gynae earlier. :)

Our first one about 22week then feel. So long gynae scans and says baby is fine and got heartbeat, hang in there! You'll feel baby when he/she is ready to give you the first roundhouse kick☺️

I'm actually a 2nd time mum. Just worried that my appointments are 1 month apart and anything could happen in this one month.

Might be still early. I felt my baby movements after 18weeks.

Super Mom

Might not feel it yet especially if you are a full time mum

Thành viên VIP

Usually can feel at around week 20 if you are FTM.

Thành viên VIP

don't worry, not so soon. wait until after wk20

As long check up is fine shldnt be worry

I feel baby movement after week 20

Thành viên VIP

Do you feel baby's hiccups?

5y trước

Oh.. Occasionally like have