19 weeks preggy
Im a bit curious. Currently im 19 weeks preggy. Is it normal to not feel the baby movements yet?its my 2nd pregnancy.so im abit curious As My first pregnancy,19weeks i cn feel the bby move.

Hi there I’m 19 weeks, second pregnancy too. I have yet to feel my baby kicking yet. Only felt flutters and gas bubbles. For my first baby I felt around week 20. They say second pregnancy will feel the movement earlier but our case I doubt so
currently I'm at 23 weeks w my 2nd pregnancy. couldn't feel baby movements too at 19 weeks. only when I reach 21 weeks then, I was able to feel baby's movements.
yes it's normal. i felt mine at ard 22 weeks and i have anterior placenta that's why
Yes sometimes it takes a longer time to feel kicks. Enjoy the rest of the pregnancy
hey mama, I'm in my 19th week too. can't feel it yet but my doc says it's fine :)
normal.. maybe placenta placement different this time or growth rate different?
Yup normal, some babies are more quiet 😆