35w5D - BB’s weight
I’m almost 36W now and BB’s weight is estimated at 2.8KG. Is it at a normal range for an Asian baby? We are both average sized. Was kind of worried that he’s too big by 40W and may have to opt for c sect. What options do I have if I want to go for natural?

Gynae will Advise keep baby at 3kg, is easier for you to give naturally, however above 3kg is still ok, another 4 weeks, i don’t think will suddenly increase so much to 4kg, keep it below 3.5-4kg, will be quite safe. Maybe this period, cut down on sugar and food that’s fattening.
To me is average. I rem when I was in week 36, baby weigh was 2.6kg haha. Did you eat heavy meals? You can go for a walk after meals. Eat as normal meal will do. Don’t over eat. Cut down on sugar. By week 40 , 3.2kg to 3.4kg it’s fine.
Read moreAhh I see. Yes you may cut down on white rice, replace to brown rice and take fruits. Heavy breakfast is ok. Have a light dinner instead. I took fruits/ fruits juice on my pregnancy days. No supper too. Don’t worry. It won’t increase so much :))
This is normal. My 1st born at 3.575. My 2nd at 3.2kg.. Do not worry too much as long as baby is healthy and growing well! C sect or natural birth is so unpredictable 😊
Both c sect for you or natural?
I having the same issue as you! But I think it’s just estimation so as long as the baby is healthy, nothing to worry about
It's normal. There's some people whose baby weight are more than 3.5kg and still deliver naturally.
Probably more difficult because someone just delivered via c sect because BB is 3.5KG
Its normal i have 4 kids and all their weight is different.
Normal. My lo was born at 36 weeks with 2.3kg weight.
My girl came out at 36 weeks weigh 3.2kg.
It's normal. Mine came out at 2.75kg
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