I'm scared

Hi I'm about to be due in a 2 mnths time. Honestly, I am scared of what's to come especially the giving birth part. Everyone's telling me that it's gonna be beautiful bcos finally I'm gonna meet my little one but the though of pushing a baby out of my vagina, that freaking scare me. I know there'll be painkillers available and it's totally up to me to take it or not. I mean..should I even be scared???

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Firstly, having these thoughts are absolutely normal. It is normal to feel a little afraid and anxious about everything. The best way to deal with those emotions is to think positive, focus on the goal (your baby!), surround yourself with those who love and support you and stay healthy. If you feel more anxious than you feel you should be, talk to other mummies in a similar position as you or even someone who can offer some help in the form of counselling.

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Actually tbh, it is painful! I have higher pain threshold but somehow the pain is quite intolerant that I needed epidural in the end. So if yr tolerance for pain is very low, I suggest u opt for epidural str away. But once u have epidural, it will be "happy-dural". Zero pain! But do note not to eat alot before or after epidural, u will tend to throw up. I throw up like crazy even though I jus have a small bite of bun b4 epidural cos I was tooo hungry.

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It's normal to be afraid because you're going to push a living squirming human out of you but try to relax! When the day arrives, you'll be more concerned about whether your LO made it out safe and sound. For the pain part, if you're going to get epidural (laughing gas or what's that called didn't do anything for my pain at all), you're not going to feel anything hips down. But still... pain is very subjective to each individual. Take care!

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Your scared is redundant to be honest.. Like all others say it feels like pooping with zero pain when epidural is used.. Don't push too hard like what u see in drama, it will only tear your perineal if u push hard. I had no tear at all cos i just push very lightly like I'm popping, that's all. My gynae happy no stich I happy no pain. Only the epidural part.

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Thành viên VIP

I had the same feeling and was damn scared. Once i told my gynae that i dont want to deliver....ha ha. but don’t think too much and wait for the moment. And if too scared of pushing part and labor pain then opt for c-sec. just enjoy the next 2 months n don’t think too much about the Big day ....you will get there.

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I had my first birth in Jan this yr as well . Did not know that my water bag burst already so delay in going to hospital.. at that moment, I also asking myself, am I ready to be a mother.. but well things still go smoothly as it is.. Yeah, trust your doc and the nurses.. they are there to help you.. Be strong..

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Super Mom

Normal reaction. Even my 2nd time, i also had some fear as all pregnancy and delivery experiences are different. Trust the nurses and ur doctor. Follow what the nurses and dr say 100% and dont scream unnecessarily (i know its tough). They will be there to support and guide you. All the best!

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Thành viên VIP

I was scared too when i found out my waterbag broke in the early morning. I dont know wat to expect. But with all those pains, i tend to forget the feeling of scared and little did i know my mini me is out and smiling widely at me. Its normal to feel scared! You can do it! 💪🏽

Hi. I had the same tots as you 2months ago. I'm now w39 , 1 more week to EDD. Instead, my feeling now is can't wait for her to be delivered, like wanna faster get done with it haha.. and those labour tots become like something I know I will pass through it within a day :)

if you're scared, dont research on it and make yourself more afraid. it will stay inyour head forever. just go with the flow. and ofc giving birth is painful. for our religion, we believe that giving birth is between life and death.