Try to explain to husband that you are eating well so baby and you are healthier and stronger when born. Tell him that money next time can earn back. Healthy body have to maintain, if fall sick need take MC and need spend more on medications, its even worse that way. If really financial wise is very tight, find more economical food to eat that is equally nutricious for the family. For me, i ate at least 2 eggs during my pregnancy everyday, its cheap and good. Then i also eat wholemeal bread, some cheese. Sometimes i eat green bean red bean soup. I also eat chickpeas. Oranges/pineapples/kiwi for vitamin C. I also ate sardines and other types of fishes. I hope your husband understands that the groceries is spent on the whole family, including 1adult helper. Eat outside for 1 adult not cheap also. Food don't cut down, but maybe those soap and shampoos have to cut down alrdy. Goodluck and stay happy, wish you the best :)