I’m 7 weeks and i am gagging quite a bit. And sometimes no taste in mouth. It feels terrible and i have no motivation to go to work. How do you all deal with your morning sickness/emotionally during these time :/

im 7 weeks tmr & i m also going thru the vomitting at odd hours like 3am in the morning. try not to go hungry, have small pkts of nuts lying around in the house. eat clean with plenty of protein & cut out oily food. i threw up straight twice after having food that contains curry and/ or food that is oily. so maybe u can take note of certain food that made u threw up more? being queasy also meant that u r carrying a healthy pregnancy & thats something to be thankful about! :) lets jiayou together!
Read moreMaybe you can buy those sour plum sweet. Should be able to help a bit. I recently started the urge to vomit like during anytime in the day. Not sure if is hungry or what. But after eating or taking the sour plum sweet it felt okay alrdy. You can look forward to your healthy baby 🥰
I try to eat less oily food, because I realise oily food makes me queasy and nauseous. jiayou and think happy thoughts!
distract yourself with work or other hobbies if possible. download a new game to play or show to watch.
You can overcome it! You are a strong mum!