First pregnancy

I'm 6 weeks pregnant as the app said..this is the best gift ever Allah has given me..I have been feeling nauseous and having a bit of pain at my lower stomach it says it's normal cause it goes away after a few seconds or like a few mins and I find myself keep touching my tummy and talking to myself to the baby😂 I can't wait for this little baby to grow inside my tummy.#1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby

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Hihi, your last menstrual date may or may not be accurate. It can only be accurate once the scan is done. Then I thought I was 7weeks pregnant but scan shows that I was almost 9weeks along. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Anyway, take care of yourself, eat well, rest well! 😉

3y trước

thank you soo much for telling me💖🥰

Super Mom

Congratulations Mama!