Pregnancy Cramps
Hi, I’m 4 to 5 weeks in my first trimester according to my doctor; why do i don’t feel cramping much? Is it normal?
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not necessary for you to feel that cramping/implantation long as u are okay, not bleeding or feel discomfort like pain, then shud be okay
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Its normal to have some cramping early pregnancy. As long as thrs no any spotting/bleeding thn should be ok dont worry.
normal. sy both pregnancy masa awal2 xde rasa cramp ataupon spotting. dan alhamdulillah sy xde alahan spjgn hamil.
1 nhận xét khác
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2y trước
Yess rase mcm sengugut
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Yesss totally normal to not have cramp as long as no bleeding occurence 🙂
I didn’t have cramps or spotting too. Enjoy your pregnancy!
normal sis...semoga semuanya baik2 saja🥰
It is normal ❤️
2y trước
Tq for the reply 💕💕
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