Rare movements

Hi mommies! I'm 20 weeks & 5 days pregnant. This is my first pregnancy after 3 years+ trying to conceive. I started to feel my baby's move last week. My baby will be active from the afternoon till bed time every day. But since yesterday I rarely feel my baby's move. It is not as usual. Is it normal? Should I stop worrying?

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Hi the baby is still quite small so there might be times when you cant feel the baby’s movements even when the baby moves. It’s quite normal for that age of gestation. You will only need to start counting the baby’s movements at 28 weeks when their size is big enough for you to feel. However if you’re worried you can opt for private 2d scan. You would worry less after that believe me been there done that :)

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normal. ruang dlm rahim masih luas. baby masih boleh berpusing 360°. sebab tu kadang rasa kadang tak. kita start kira kick baby 28w dan keatas. kalau awak still risau pergi scan klinik luar. boleh tengok condition baby awak. scan kerap tak membahayakan baby dlm rahim awak pon😊. atleast awak tak susah hati lepas dh tengok condition baby awak

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Normal. Its still early. Only 20weeks plus. You should start worrying when youre in 28weeks above. That is the time you need to constantly check/ count for the baby kick. If you feel uneasy, you may go to clinic and scan to see/check baby’s condition

it is normal actually.I did felt the same thing before..like, today baby is so active but tomorrow, baby will start to move in a slow mode.Worry?of course but it is consider normal..You can try to monitor another day.Baby will start active back ;)

Hi, it’s normal mummy due to your baby gestational age plus there is still so much room for the baby to move inside the womb. If you are still concerned, you can go to scan.

Yes..actually at these pregnancy weeks I also often feel confuse..all my 3 pregnancies..if you are unsure and worried, try drinking cold water or go for a scan to make sure