Should I walk in?

I'm 35 +1 weeks. I've been having pain at the back and tummy area. I've been in so much pain but quite tolerable for the past few days. Should I walk in to hospital to check whether I'm already contraction or labour? This is my second pregnancy. My first pregnancy was waterbag burst then contraction. Please advise. #pleasehelp

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Had the same issue when I was 35 weeks pregnant. I monitored the pain level and only walked in to the A&E when the pain level reached 8/10 and above. I was 1cm dilated. Doctor injected steroids in both my thighs to strengthen baby’s lungs. And gave me meds to delay the labour. Managed to delay till full term at 38 weeks.

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If the pain is intense, you should. But honestly, go with your gut. Wont harm going, atleast maybe theyll check your cervix for dilation or so

Just go for the peace of mind