
I’m 34 weeks pregnant and it’s my first pregnancy. i took the whole month of December off from work to “rest” at home but the more I’m home, the more it ~kills~ me. About 2 weeks back I found out my husband cheated. Has been cheating on me since he found we were pregnant. Main reason is because he was childish and has to constantly seek validation from this girl he calls “friend”. Their conversations were mostly about backstabbing me and other times it’s just lewd conversations. He’s met her many times and I guess, it’s just a “friend” he never got over. I carried my baby alone since day 1. We live on our own and if I want to feel loved, I’d go over to my mom’s cos she’d feed me food non stop while my husband don’t. Any cravings I had, I drove out and got them myself. It was honestly difficult. I confronted him and his family over the cheating incident but it turned out to be a whole conversation of blaming me and my incapabilities while being pregnant. I made the decision to stay away from toxic in laws since then. I’m not sure if I’ve forgiven my husband but how do you live with a cheater? I haven’t been eating well because all I do is wake up to go to bed. I know, it’s probably depression and my kid is currently really small which alarms my gynae but all I’m thinking of is, how do I give birth with no one supporting me? I can’t have my husband there because it’s so hard to steer away from the thoughts that he has cheated. I don’t know what else to do and I’m just very, lonely, and I can’t be going back to my mom’s everyday because she keeps telling me I belong next to my husband despite whatever’s happened. I have no more motivation to live and I’m not sure if this baby is my motivation but I’m really just unmotivated these days not knowing what to do. #1stimemom #advicepls #bantusharing #pregnancy

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Hi dear I came across this post and I know it’s been a few months already since you posted this. Just concerned, how are you doing right now? Are you back with your husband or still fending for yourself and your kid? I hope all is going well for you, I’m not sure if you’ve given birth but I really do hope there’s a shining beacon of hope coming your way soon. If you want out with your husband then go through the proper channels, marriage counselling, religious counselling (if any), and if all else fails, file for a divorce and raise your kid by yourself. My husband is still watching porn up till now, chatting with girls online too. I don’t have any social media and I’m happy that I don’t. My life revolves around my 17 month old and my 2nd pregnancy. My husband treats me like a roommate, talks to me like his enemy and no physical affection whatsoever. I learn to leave everything to God day by day, I learn to be patient that someday he will knock himself against the wall. I’m struggling with my raging pregnancy hormones everyday and it doesn’t help that my husband doesn’t even talk nicely to me or touch my tummy. I really hope everything goes well for you. ❤️

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