Induce or Csect?

Im 33wks now and have GDM, last scan baby is big, my doctor say can induce at 38wks or i opt for csec. Anyone who have the same experience? Or anyone been from induce but ended on csect? This is my 3rd pregnancy, first 2 is normal but last preg was 12yrs ago. I am so confused if i get CS or still try the normal delivery. But scared also if i get normal and baby shoulder cannot go out, as much as possible i dont want vacuum to out the baby. Pls help and share your experience. Thank you so much!

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following your post too as I am experiencing the same thing. BB is 2.3kg at week 32 n I have gdm

9mo trước

Lets update after 2 wks coz i am also having another growth scan at 36wks. I also have few friends who planned natural but ended csect. Good luck to us!