I am feeling so guilty for always craving and eating at mcdonalds. I know its not healthy for me and baby but i am tooooo lazy ++++ to cook for my food or buy other foods as thats what im craving. Anyone here have the same situation as mine?? What happened to you and baby? Is the baby normal or healthy? Did you have gestational diabetes ? I am so worried. Now im 20weeks and few more weeks b4 ogtt. But mostly i am worried is my babys health. :( #pleasehelp #advicepls
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Vibrating massage pillow is it safe?
Anyone here using or used vibrating massage pillow? I am always having back pain and i really wanted to have it relax even for awhile. I tried massaging my back with my hand and i found it calming, so i wonder if i can purchase the portable pillow massager, i have searched it online and some articles say its not good for pregnant, but some articles also say it is safe for pregnant. I am really confuse, i just want to be comfortable and ease the pain. #advicepls
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I had my first prenatal check up today. And it is very fast compared to my previous pregnancy check up from my home country where the dr will really check everything and educate me well. The dr did ultrasound to me transvaginal even though im already 8 weeks. And the ultrasound paper that im supposed to be excited to was not on my expectation. It doesnt written my name and other details like weeks heartbeat and all. The dr also didnt give me additional vitamins as she asked me if im taking folic and i said yes. She said ok. Then i asked if she will give me more vitamins she said no, your vitamins is fine. All in all from ultrasound to consultation is less 5mins. I am disappointed as i am together with my partner and we are both so much excited with everything about the baby. #advicepls
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