Baby movement
I’m 18 weeks now. Am I suppose to feel my baby movement everyday?

Should be feeling the movements everyday, perhaps every few hours or so. Just trust ur mummy's instincts! I only felt mine from week 22 onwards.
Depends on individual. I felt it after 5-6months. Slight movement. Sometimes day more, sometimes night more. Haha.
It gets a little stronger at 20 weeks. For 1st time mums, you can usually feel baby move around 20 to 22 weeks
Depends on individuals. Some as early as 12 weeks and some as late as 26 weeks.
Maybe not everyday now but stronger movements in the next few weeks(:
Usually you can feel the movement at around 20weeks and after
I only started feeling the movements around 23 weeks.
Depends on individual! Mine was abt 22 I think
Usually around 20weeks onwards
I only feel it after 22 weeks