I’m 16w FTM and I still constantly feel hungry, get nauseas / sick if I don’t eat. I eat 3-4 main meals (rice / noodles) daily instead of small meals and I’m still really hungry all the time, I need a snack every 2-3 hours regardless of what I ate for my meals. I’ve gained a lot of weight because of this and it’s very noticeable, my mom tells me I’ve put on too much weight too and it’s making me very conscious. I’m afraid i have bad self control or if this is abnormal. I’m also afraid of being unable to lose the weight after birth. Any moms have suggestions on what I can do? Is this normal? I do try to walk around a bit everyday when I can, and I try to eat healthier snacks like fruits and keep my meals to food that is not fried. I have already gained 7kg.