Hi I'll be turning 39 weeks 1 day next week Friday can I request my gyne to induce me? It's my wedding anniversary and would be nice if baby is born on that day. Tommorw is my appointment.

According to the 'Arrive Trial' study, 39+0 to 39+4 is the best time to deliver. Baby is as healthy as one born at 40 weeks and recovery for mum is faster too, including lower risk of emergency c-sect and having an overdue baby in distress. I'm exactly 39 weeks this Fri and plan to get induced over the weekend.
Read moreinducing does not necessarily means the baby will come out on that very day. there are cases whereby some have to induce but baby refused to come out and they have to do emergency c-sect. i will advice against it, just let baby come out naturally 😊
Baby's safety come first. It's best to let nature take its course. I was induced at 40 weeks (EDD) itself. I had complication after birth because it was an induced birth. I don't advise getting induced unless baby is at 40 weeks and still no sign of labour.
Shouldn't be any issue on date as baby would be considered almost a full term baby. However the best person to advice you will be your gynae. I induced my labour on the day I was 39weeks pregnant. Reason was because I was already 2cm dilated.
same with me. but now I'm already at, 4cm.
you can ask doctor and doctor will assess if baby is healthy b4 they confirmed.. like mine, my doctor ask me if i wanna induce at 39 weeks bc my baby is alrdy full term and weighed at 3.2 - 3.3kg.. anyhuuu, goodluck!
I wouldn’t want my baby birthday to be same as my anniversary. Because I will end up celebrate baby birthday instead of anniversary . And most important, health and safety of baby come first
…..thats not the question…….
I was induced and managed to deliver naturally but I heard of mummies going for emergency c sect as baby doesn’t want to come out and water bag already burst by the gynae. Do talk to your gynae for advice
Should be fine but i wouldnt advise inducing, there is a chance that baby might get distress and no progress and you might end up csection.
Isn't it more important to consider it medically than your anniversary date?
well, thats the whole point of her discussing with her gynae what (to consider it medically)….bc gynae will be assessing every aspect before he give a green light.
Just letting nature take its course is the best, while it is nice to have the two life events coincide, baby's safety is most important.