Newborn routine
Hi, ill be delivering in sept and wonder what is usually newborn’s daily routine through out the day, to prepare myself. From morning till night, what do they/ mummy do usually ? And do they sleep most of the time ? How long of a tummy time do they need and when is the best time to do tummy time? If they happen to sleep during feeding time, do we need to wake them up to feed or leave them to sleep. #firsttimemom #firstbaby

Sorry to burst ur bubble but I was truly shocked and had it quite bad the first few months because my boy was ravenous and wanted to latch ALL day. Had to even bring him to the toilet otherwise he wl cry so badly. There were days when I cld hardly go to the toilet because he wld cry if I leave him. Even though I had my mom ard, I still cld hardly sleep. It really depends on the baby because my friend had it easy cz her girl was able to sleep on her own. For me, only aft 3 months things got better and baby was not so clingy and able to sleep in his cot on his own. Once I intro him to the bottle cz I had to come bck to work, I cld have abt 3-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night which was considered very good because before tt, it was just short naps. Not exaggerating. So pray hard tt ur baby is easier. I'm pregnant with my 2nd and hoping this time round, the girl is better than her brother😆
Read moreSuggest u to sleep as much as u can now. Or just get a confinement nanny who’s paid to tc of baby automatically (no need to feel paiseh passing baby to them, parents or in law u will feel paiseh) For me. Baby not difficult to take care but it’s the routine that is taking away all my rest time. In between got 10-15mins short naps consider very lucky already. 8am baby wake up to feed (bottle) 8.30am finish feeding 9am burped and make him sleep 9.15am wash bottle and sterilise 9.30am pump and eat breakfast 10.30am keep BM and wash pump parts 1100 baby wake up for feeding again 1130 baby finish feeding let him rest a while 1200 shower 1230 his shower done, play time alone. I go shower 1300 laundry quick nap 1330 prepare for post natal massage let my mum feed baby 1530 post natal massage finish, wash up. Eat lunch 1630 baby feeding again (Repeat process)
Read moreHospital time (super shiok) is your last chance to enjoy alone time, to rot and to rest. If i can turn back time, i'll ask my husband dont come accompany me (go have his alone time). I'll ask my friends and relative dont visit me. Mummy: Pump/Latch every 3hr. Feed + change diaper every 3hr. Burp baby. Make baby sleep. If baby don't sleep, you have to accompany the baby. Feed+diaper+burp+wash bottle normally take ard 20mins+. Bath the baby. wake them up for feed. They need the nutrients to grow. in short, if you are lucky, you get to sleep 2.5hrs or less in between feed. Breastfeed/latching will consume more time thus more tiring. If you are doing confinement, things get harder too.
Read moreI follow the Eat Play Sleep routine once the bby wakes up from night sleep: (Eat) Diaper change, then Feed, usually babies will cry during diaper change so this keeps them alert during feeding, (Play) interaction time with mummy or tummy time (up to 45 minutes), then (Sleep) put down baby for nap. This cycle will repeat about 4-5 times a day with each cycle at 3 hours each, before night time routine for night sleep. Good to start this routine early to promote good sleepers :)
Read moreMummy: Latch or pump all day, repeat every 3 hourly. Eat, talk to baby, sleep. Repeat. Newborn: Sleep all day, wake time can do tummy time. Tummy time can start from day 1. Depending on how long they can tahan. Can start 1 min then slowly increase day by day. For newborns, yes. Can dream feed if baby is asleep during feeding time.
Read moreSleep eat and diaper, frequently. Better get more sleep now cause you will miss sleeping through the night once baby arrives 😄 I didn’t let my baby do tummy time until the umbilical cord fall off.