5 Replies

The most recommended positions are head facing chest and for older babies it's the backcarry. Other positions include the front-inward, front-outward, hip and back carry. I think this is a very meaningful viewpoint on the appropriate babywearing approach. http://blog.ergobaby.com/2011/02/facing-in-facing-out-a-science-based-view-on-baby-carrying-positions/ Basically to sum it up, the positions to choose should be based on your baby's preference and development. The most ergonomic way to carry a baby is in the frog position. Which are positions 1, 3 and 4. However the front-outward carry can promote sensory development as well as stimulate baby's curiosity. It may even be that your baby insists to be faced outwards. So to maximise the benefits of baby wearing we should always carry them in the ergonomic way (1, 3 and 4) and allow them to look around when requested (2) so you get an all round stimulation.

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The front carry position is not recommended for extended periods of wear. The ideal position is for the baby's head to face your chest. Do take note of TICKS when babywearing as well for safety and comfort of both you and your baby. Tight In view at all times Close enough to kiss Keep chin off the chest Supported back Do also try to get a deep seated M shape for your baby and ensure that he is in a knee to knee position.

On top of Jamie's comments, you can do lots more once your baby is older. I recommend getting the Hana Wrap ($56 at baby fair by Mummy Market) and it's really worth the money as you use it for a really long time without having the need to buy an infant insert , which itself could be about $50+. The image I've attached shows the different ways to babywear.

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