14 Các câu trả lời

VIP Member

I prefer you not as it can make you feel hot from the inside. But since you are craving, just a little bit will do.. Just my opinion.. hope this helps..

OK, thank you ya

makan jer tp jgn byk.. 1 atau 2 ulas.. utk hilangkan rasa teringin.. tp make sure x de kencing manis ye.. pastu minum air masak byk..

Yes but looks your antibody strong or weak... if you realy craving just eat litte bit... drinks mineral water more after eat...

Saya mkn je sis... Janji x de kencing manis... Klu ada bahaya sikit...

Bila gula terlalu tinggi boleh menyebabkan pitam dan pengsan...

VIP Member

Can but don’t eat too much. Panas takut buat badan tak selesa.

Thanks for replied ya! 😊

Boleh je sis tp mkn dgn kuantiti sikit..jngn bnyk...

VIP Member

Sure, you can. But just don’t eat a lot! 😉

boleh,,tapi jangan terlalu kerap makan

VIP Member

Yes can but not too much cos high in sugar!

Thanks for replied ya. 😊

sure. be moderate.

Thanks for replied ya! 😊

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