If you have your own mum to take care of baby at least till she's about 3 years old or so, will you continue this arrangement or send your baby to school earlier. Why and why not?

I sent my son to childcare when he turned 2 years old - am a work-from-home mum and my parents are available to help on weekdays too. The reason why I sent him to childcare is to develop his social skills - he also has isolated speech delay and as a result of that, he gets really frustrated when other kids talk/babble/shout because he doesn't know how to respond to them. As much as I would've loved to keep him at home, I felt that he needed the social and learning skills which I would not be able to give him (at an affordable rate at home) - and I made the effort to bring him to play and spend time with him whenever I can, even before he was in childcare :) I also needed the free time to do some self-care and run errands :x
Read moreNo matter who takes care of my child, even if it was me myself, i would definitely send baby to school. Child care is not just about placing your child there. Your child gets to interact with other peers his age which is needed for their growth. Also early exposure to school settings. At the sametime the caregiver can have selfcare. There are also activities catered for oe their age. Its better then being stuck with us the whole day.
Read moreI will send my child to school once he turns 2years old. Even though home child care is a good and safer place, but the learning boundaries are limited. with childcare and education system in place, they will learn how to be independent, how to interact with other kids and learn more stuffs on hands on too.
Read moreI will send my child to playgroup and then nursery as per normal schedule which means between 18-24 mths I will already send her to playgroup. I believe this is more to develop the social skills and independence for the child even though my mom does a great job to take care and teach my gal.
Depends. If your relationship with your mom is good and you are happy with her childcaring method then good to leave the child with her until a certain age. 18mo can send to half day playground already, your mom can send the child there so she has some sort of break in between.
I will enroll my baby for school, wouldn't want to burden my mum unless they are really fine with taking care of them. At least it'll be enriching for my baby to attend schools.
I sent my child to nursery 1 for half day school and home schooled her after class. As she has a baby sibling, I sent her to N2 childcare easier for my mother to care for baby.
I send my LO when he is 20mo. I feel that it is good to let him play with other same age kids
my kids only attended 3-4 hours preschool for 4 years... both sets of grandparents take turns
I will still send them so that she can mixed with children of her age group