4 Replies

To my knowledge, primary school open houses would be at the school location itself. At least, that's what happened with the case of my kid. Also, you may wanna check with the kindergartens too! The nearby primary schools may have provided the dates to the kindergartens. Call the schools that you like too! Their websites should be found quite easily on the net May wanna consider these other tips before choosing the best pri sch for your kid: https://sg.theasianparent.com/choosing-a-primary-school/3/ Exciting times for you!

thanks! I check range is somewhere in July. . will check again with the pre-school :)

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Oh geez, good question its time for me to find out more as well. In order to prep for my kiddo. Sorry to ride, meaning each school is different?

yes, the schools holds open house individually and could be on separate dates. all the best to you! :)
