I wonder why my baby isn't gaining much weight despite the fact that he drinks a lot of milk, and eats Cerelac twice a day. I expect him to be plump, but he's getting taller instead.

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Hi, I think it is because he is gaining height. His fat is not retaining in his body because all that nutrition is going in making him grow tall. And I wonder why you not liking that. The baby fat anyway goes after sometime and is a temporary thing. So, do not worry. Yes, if you think that he is becoming weak instead of being fed well then you should see a paediatrician and seek his advice.

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See, you need not worry because your baby is showing signs of growing up in gaining height. As long as your baby is active and eating well, you need to take tension. Some babies are plump and some are not. It all depends on the body type of the baby. Also because he is gaining height, is the reason he is not being plump.

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Sometimes it's hereditary. Ask your parents on how's your physique when you were a baby. Same thing with your husband. I had the same issue so the Pedia asked me that question.

Please bring your baby to his pedia. Weight gain is somehow a serious concern.

8y trước

Hi Joey, thanks for your advice. The last time we visited his pedia, we were told that he's quite overweight for a 7 month old. And that his size is that of a 1 year old. I'm curious though, that for his milk and food intake, he's not getting fat compared to other babies. He's relatively lean and not plump.