7 Replies

Hi I had this kind of discharge which turned into bright red with no clots and lasted for a month. Happened to me at week 4. Dr said there was a blood clot somewhere and nonetheless classified it as threatened miscarriage. But I went on fine- I’m at week 12 going on 13 now. But please go to A&E just to be safe.

sorry for the late reply. Yes it did. the blood clots stopped suddenly and now i’m at 35 weeks. Hope you are doing fine.

I’ve had that, it could be a small hematoma. I was prescribed progesterone by my doctor and it went away, don’t worry!

It happen on my first pregnancy. Gynae tell me no need be alarm. But plz rest more on bed.


it happen to me during 6 weeks it's threaten abortion please go see gynae soon first

VIP Member

Not normal. You should consult your OB

Best to go A&E..

Consult yout gynae

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