only yolk sac

i went in for a scan on 5w 3days and i can only see the yolk sac….is this something to be worried about? KK put me on another scan in 2 weeks but i’m not sure what to expect.

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Super Mom

5 weeks is too early! My first scan was 6w 3 days and everything was there - yolk sac, embryo and a flickering fetal pole. For some people they may only see it a bit later. The waiting is hard, but try not to think too much until your next scan.

it’s very normal. are you a first time mum? 5 weeks is too early to see much. 2 weeks later will most likely see growth. week 7-9 can hear heartbeat.

2y trước

Yes i’m a first time mom. i cannot wait to hear the heart beat so I can reassure myself! I guess i’ll just have to wait these 2 weeks! Thank u!!!!

Yes it is still early. FTM here too and had the same feeling as you. Am 11 weeks now and have seen my baby’s heartbeat :)

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Don’t worry. It’s still very early.