Bleeding at Week 11 Day 5

I am week 11 and day 5 today, and experienced sudden bleeding, and went to the doctor. So far, everything is good; the baby is still active. Anyone experience the same?

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I’ve had sudden bleeding at week 6 and week 9. Doc said it could be due to the expanding of uterus, causing surrounding blood vessels to burst. I was given lots of progesterone medication to support the pregnancy, and asked to bed rest 100% esp during first week of bleeding. So i guess just rest as much as possible!! :D Hope all goes well for you and your little one!

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3h trước

Yes both bleeding episodes very heavy, with big blood clots, like menses. But subsequently it got better after all the progesterone medication, bed rest and drinking more water. It’s just “unexplained” bleeding episodes that could be worrying. But if the scan still shows that the baby’s heart is still beating strong, i guess it’s still ok!! Just need to follow doc’s instructions to protect better and stop bleeding as soon.