Do you buy organic food?

I was watching a webinar that shared how much pesticide is in our food and there are 12 foods we should always eat organic. It’s called the dirty dozen. Everything else it’s okay to buy non organic. I am going to start trying this!

Do you buy organic food?
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I recently learned about the adverse effects of hormonal treated and packaged vegetables , fruits n milk can have on kids causing so many health issues and early puberty in kids. Switching to organic foods and going off packaged foods seems like the need of the hr. Thanks for sharing this 🙂

I always buy the liquid wash product in market to clean the fruits and vegetables. From one bottle I can clean multiple rounds of purchase and save money. Organic food is generally expensive.

Never know this one. Thanks for sharing. But I always clean it before having.

Yes I did, that was time when my baby was still less than 2 years old.

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