Small baby.

I was told from the doctor that my baby is quite small for 7 months and actually it saddens me up till today.. is there any experience mummy that gave birth to small baby even at full term month? Any advice for me? ?? Next week, i’ll be having another appointment to check on the weight of the baby. I hope to hear smtg good though. ❤️

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At 35 wks, my wife's gynae informed that the baby was around 1.8kg, which was on the low side. Gynae informed to eat durians, avocado, proteins. Wifey ate alot and was so sick of it. 1wk later, it was 1.9kg. Still very low. My baby boy was born at 37wks at 2.3kg. Very healthy. So apparently the weight during checkups was just an estimate. Dont worry too much and just eat. Get your husband to join you too!

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4y trước

Hi !! Thankyou so much for your reply at my post!! My husband try to stuff alot more food for me to gain weight eventhou im a big eater 😂 on my next appointment, i hope baby is well eventhou its small. As long as it is healthy. My doc estimated tht my bby due will be on week 37-38 and im now at 31! Nervous🤯